Information about Mahamanjishtadi Kashayam Indication, Doses, Adverse effects, Ingredients, Ayurvedic Properties, Reference & Manufacturers

Mahamanjishtadi Kashayam is a concentrated decoction prepared out of herbal ingredients, which consist of water soluble active principles.

Indication: 18 Types of skin diseases, paralysis, numbness, obesity, arthritis, facial  paralysis, eye diseases.

Dose :  Kashayam  5 – 15ml diluted with 15 –  45ml of water twice daily before food or as directed by physician.Tablets 1 or 2 tablets twice daily.

Side effects: No known side effects, over dose may induce gastric irritation. Use this medicine under medical supervision.


SI.NO Sanskrit name Botanical name
1 Manishta Rubia cordifolia
2 Kutaja Holarrhena antidysenterica
3 Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia
4 Musta Cyperus rotundus
5 Vacha Acorus calamus
6 Shunti Zingiber officinalis
7 Haridra Curcuma longa
8 Daruharidra Berberis aristata
9 Kshudra Solanum xanthocarpum
10 Arista(Nimba) Azadirachta indica
11 Patola Trichosanthes dioica
12 Katuka Picrorrhiza kurroa
13 Bharngi Clerodendron serratum
14 Vidanga Embelia ribes
15 Amlika Tamarindus indica
16 Murva Marsdenia tenacissima
17 Devadaru Cedrus deodara
18 Indrayava Holarrhena antidysenterica
19 Bhringaraja Eclipta alba
20 Magadha(pippali) Piper longa
21 Trayamana Gentiana kurroo
22 Patha Cyclea peltata
23 Shatavari Asparagus racemosus
24 Khadira Acacia catechu
25 Haritaki Terminalia chebula
26 Vibhitaki Terminalia bellirica
27 Amalaki Emblica officinalis
28 Kiratatikta Swertia chirata
29 Mahanimba Melia azadirach
30 Asana Pterocarpus marsupium
31 Aragwada Cassia fistula
32 Shyama(mustha) Cyperus rotundas
33 Avalguja(Bakuchi) Psoralea corylifolia
34 Chandana Santalum album
35 Varuna Crataeva nurvala
36 Danthi Baliospermum montanum
37 Shakhotaka Streblus asper
38 Vasa Adhatoda vasica
39 Parpata Fumaria indica
40 Sariva Hemidesmus indicus
41 Ativisha Aconitum heterophyllum
42 Ananta Hemidesmus indicus
43 Indravaruni Citrullus cholocynthis
44 Sugandha bala (Tagara) Valeriana wallichi

Method of preparation of Kashayam:  Herbal ingredients (coarse powder) 1 part boiled in 16 parts of water and reduced to 4 part.

Method  of Storage: Stored in airtight container in dry place.

Ayurvedic Properties of Mahamanjishtadi Kashayam:                                                                        Roga karma: 18 types of kusta, vatarakta, raktavikara, visarpa, netra roga , twak shoonyatha.

Dosha karma: Tridoshahara mainly kaphapittahara.

Agni  karma: Deepana, pachana

Other karma: Lekhana, srotoshodhana, twakprasadana, vrana ropana, kandugna ,pakahara.

Reference: Bhaishajyaratnavali Kustadikara 54/56

Manufacturers: Ashoka pharmaceuticals, Arya vaidya sala Kottakkal,   Everest Ayurvedic Medicines, SNA Oushadhasala Pvt Ltd.

Warning: Do not take this product without the consent of your Ayurvedic Physician. The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.