Information about Ajamodadi Churna Indication, Dose, Side effects, Ingredients, Method of preparation, Reference, Ayurvedic properties & Manufacturers.

Ajamodadi churna is a powder of 11 herbal ingredients and rock salt, used in the treatment of joint and muskuloskeletal related  disorders.

Indication: Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, Sciatica, lowback ache, Joint pain with swelling, colicky pain, pain in anorectal region, renal colic, brachial neuralgia(Used in Samavata condition).

Dose :  ½ to 1 teaspoon along with warm water, two or three times daily before or after food, as directed by physician.

Side effects: May induce mild gastric irritation in higher dose, Used with caution in hypertensive patients as it contain salt.

Contraindication: Pitta aggravated condition


SI No Sanskrit name Botanical Name Quantity
1 Ajamoda Trachyspermum ammi 12grams
2 Vidanga Embelia ribes 12grams
3 Saindava lavana Rock salt 12grams
4 Devadaru Cedrus deodara 12grams
5 Chitraka Plumbago zeylanica 12grams
6 Pippalimoola Piper longum 12grams
7 Satapushpa Foeniculum vulgare 12grams
8 Pippali Piper longum 12grams
9 Maricha Piper nigrum 12grams
10 Pathya(Haritaki) Terminalia chebula 60grams
11 Vrddhadaruka Argyreia speciosa 120grams
12 Nagara(Shunti) Zingiber officinalis 120grams

Preparation: The above ingredients are powdered separately and mixed together in specified quantity.

Method  of Storage: Stored in airtight container in dryplace.

Shelf life period: Around 6 month.

Reference : Sharangadharasamhita, Madhyamakhanda 6/113

Ayurvedic properties of Ajamodadi Churna:

Roga karma: Shwayathu, amavata, sandipida, gradhrasi, kati prista guda jhanga ruja, thuni, prathuni, vishwachi and kaphavataja rogas.

Dosha karma: Kaphavatahara.

Agni karma: Deepana and pachana.

Other karma: Vatanulomaka, Kapha lekhana, srotoshodana.

Manufacturers: Divya Pharmacy, BAPS Swaminarayan Herbal Care.

Warning: Do not take this product without the consent of your Ayurvedic Physician. The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.