Punarnnavayolepam choornam
Information about Punarnnavayolepam choornam Indication, dose, side effects, ingredient, ayurvedic properties & manufacturers. Indication: useful in drpsy and anaemia. Dose : 4 to 8 grams twice daily before or...
Prapoundarikadi choornam or Prapoundarikadi lepa
Prapoundarikadi choornam or Prapoundarikadi lepa Indication, Method of usage, Side effects, Ingredient, Method of preparation, Reference, Ayurvedic properties & Manufacturers. Indication: Used as external application in inflammatory swelling with pain,...
Pippali churna
Information about Pippali churna Indication, dose, side effects, ingredient, method of preparation, ayurvedic properties & reference. Indication: cough, asthma, appetizer, distaste, rheumatism, aphrodisiac and rejuvenator. Dose : ½ to 1...
Pancharavinda choornam
Information about Pancharavinda choornam Indication, dose, side effects, ingredient, method of preparation, reference, ayurvedic properties & manufacturers. Indication: General body weakness, aphrodisiac, improves strength and stamina. Dose : ...
Pushyanuga churna
Information about Pushyanuga churna Indication, dose, side effects, ingredient, method of preparation, reference, ayurvedic properties & manufacturers. Pushyanuga churna is a mixture of 26 types of herbal powder...
Pulinkuzhampu Churnam
Information about Pulinkuzhampu Churnam Indication, dose, side effects, ingredient, ayurvedic properties, reference & manufacturers. Pulinkuzhampu churnam is a mixture of herbal ingredients along with rock salt. Indication: Pain abdomen, Flatulence,...
Pitaka Churna
Information about Pitaka Churna Indication, side effects, ingredient, method of preparation, reference, ayurvedic properties & manufacturers. Pitaka churna is used for application in oralcavity and throat related complaints. Indication: Used...
Patoladi choornam
Information about Patoladi choornam Indication , Doses, Side effects ,Ingredients, Ayurvedic Properties, Reference & Manufacturers. Indication: Fever, distaste, vomiting, jaundice and skin diseases. Dose : ½ to 1 teaspoon along...
Pathyadi churna or Gomutra haritaki churna
Information about Pathyadi churna or Gomutra haritaki churna Indication, dose, side effects, ingredient, method of preparation, reference, ayurvedic properties & manufacturers. It is prepared by processing haritaki in gomutra...
Panchsakar churna
Information about Panchsakar churna Indication, dose, side effects, ingredient, method of preparation, reference, ayurvedic properties & manufacturers. Panchsakar churna is a mixture of 4 types of herbal powder along with...