Information about Shankhapushpi Churna Indication, dose, side effects, ingredient, method of preparation, ayurvedic properties, reference & manufacturers.

Shankapushpi is a single dry herbal powder.

Indication: Improves memory, concentration, insomnia, anxiety, depression, mental debility, High blood pressure.

Dose :  ½ to 1 teaspoon along with water two times daily before or after food as directed by physician.

Side effects: No known side effects, used under medical supervision.


SI No Sanskrit name Botanical Name
1 Shankapushpi Convolvulus pluricaulis

Preparation: The above ingredients are powdered separately and mixed together in specified quantity.

Method  of Storage: Stored in airtight container in dryplace.

Shelf life period: Around 6 month.

Ayurvedic properties:

Roga karma: Used in nidranasha, smriti kshaya, medha kshaya, unmada.

Dosha karma: Tridoshahara.

Other karma: Medhya, Vrashya.

Reference: Bhavaprakasha samhita

Manufacturers: Vyas pharmaceutical.

Warning: Do not take this product without the consent of your Ayurvedic Physician. The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.