Information about Triphala churna Indication, dose, side effects, ingredient, method of preparation, reference, ayurvedic properties & manufacturers.

Triphala churna is famour ayurvedic medicine prepared out of 3 fruits, having wide applicationin in different health related problems.

Indication: Obesity, diabetes, digestive complaints like indigestion, sour belching, flatulence, constipation, conjunctivitis, skin diseases, good anti oxidant and having excellent wound healing properties..

Dose :  2 to 6 grams along with warm water or honey twice daily after food. For constipation 8 to 10 grams with warm water night after food. Decoction of Triphala churna used to wash the eyes in conjunctivitis and non healing wound.

Adjuvant(Anupana): In obesity along with honey, in eye diseases along with ghee and honey, in constipation along with hot water.

Side effects: Heavy dose may induce increased loose stools ( easily manageable by having 1 to 2 glass of buttermilk along with meals).


SiNo Sanskrit name Botanical Name/ Common name Quantity
1 Haritaki Terminalia chebula 1 Part
2 Vibhitaki Terminalia bellirica 1 Part
3 Amalaki Emblica officinalis 1 Part

Method of Preparation: The above ingredients are powdered separately and mixed together in specified quantity.

Method  of Storage: Stored in airtight container in dryplace.

Shelf life period: Around 6months.

Reference : Astangahradayam, Bhavaprakasha haritakyadi varga 42-43.

Ayurvedic properties of Triphala churna:

Roga karma: Used in  Twak roga, prameha, medas, netraroga, vibandha, arshas, bhagandhara, vrana and amlapitta.

Dosha karma: Kaphapittahara.

Agni karma: Deepana.

Other karma: Srotoshodana, kledahara, shophahara.

Manufacturers: Dabur, Divya pharmacy, SDM Ayurveda pharmacy.

Warning: Do not take this product without the consent of your Ayurvedic Physician. The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.