Information about Varanadi Kashayam Indication, Doses, Side effects, Ingredients, Ayurvedic properties & Manufacturers.

Varanadi Kashayam is a concentrated decoction prepared out of herbal ingredients, which consist of water soluble active principles.

Indication: Recommended in obesity, digestive system related complaints, head ache, urinary calculi, Poly cystic ovarian syndrome and hypothyroidism.

Dose :  Kashayam  5 – 15 ml diluted with 15 –  45 ml of water twice daily before food or as directed by physician.                                                                                                                                                               Tablets 1 to 2 tablets twice daily.

Side effects: No known side effects, over dose may induce gastric irritation. Use this medicine under medical supervision.


SI.NO Sanskrit name Botanical name Quantity
1 Varana Crataeva religiosa 1 Part
2 Sairyaka Strobilanthes ciliates 1 Part
3 Shatavari Asparagus racemosus 1 Part
4 Dahana(Chitraka) Plumbago zeylanica 1 Part
5 Morata Chenomorpha fragrans 1 Part
6 Bilva Aegle marmelos 1 Part
7 Vishanika Aristolochia bracteplate 1 Part
8 Brihati Solanum indicum 1 Part
9 Bhadra Aerua lanata 1 Part
10 Karanja Pongamia glabra 1 Part
11 Pootikaranja Holoptelia integrifolia 1 Part
12 Jaya Premna corymbosa 1 Part
13 Pathya Terminalia chebula 1 Part
14 Bahalapallava(Shigru) Moringa olifera 1 Part
15 Darbha Desmostachya bipinnata 1 Part
16 Rujakara(Bhallataka) Semicarpus anacardium 1 Part

Method of preparation of Kashayam:  Herbal ingredients (coarse powder) 1 part boiled in 16 parts of water and reduced to 4 part.

Method  of Storage: Stored in airtight container in dry place.

Ayurvedic Properties of Varanadi Kashayam:

Roga karma: Kaphavikara, medovikara, mandagni, urustamba, shirashoola, gulma vikara and vidradhi.

Dosha karma: Kaphahara

Agni  karma: Deepana

Reference:  Astangahrudayam Sutrasthana 15/21-22.

Manufacturers:The Arya Vaidya Nilayam , Ashoka pharmaceuticals, Arya vaidya sala Kottakkal,   , Everest Ayurvedic Medicines, SNA Oushadhasala Pvt Ltd, Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy, Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala,  Kearala Ayurveda Pharmacy Ltd, Nagarjuna Ayurvedic Group.

Warning: Do not take this product without the consent of your Ayurvedic Physician. The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.